Roots of Impact GmbH
Günthersburgallee 48
60316 Frankfurt a.M.
Chief Executive Officer (CEO): Bjoern Struewer
Domicile and commercial register: Frankfurt / Main – HRB 101 295
VAT identification number: DE298788277
Responsible for content: Bjoern Struewer, CEO
Disclaimer – legal notice
1. Contents of the website
The contents of this website were written with due diligence and by the author’s best knowledge. We can be held liable only by general laws, especially for our own contents acc. § 7 TMG (German law on tele-media) and for external contents acc. §§ 8 – 10 TMG. As a Provider of tele-media we can be held liable for external contents only once we have knowledge of a concrete infringement of law. We reserve the right to change or delete contents of this webpage which are not subject to any contractual obligation.
2. Links on external Websites
Contents of external websites on which we are linking direct or indirect (through „hyperlinks“ or „deeplinks“) are beyond our responsibility and are not adopted as our own content. When the links were published, we didn’t have knowledge of any illegal activities or contents on these websites. Since we do not have any control on the contents of these websites, we distance ourselves from all contents of all linked websites, which were updated after the setting of the links. For all contents and especially damages, resulting of the use of the linked websites, only the provider of these linked websites can be held liable. If we receive knowledge of illegal contents on these linked websites, we will delete the according links.
3. Intellectual property rights
All content of this website, especially texts, pictures, images, graphical presentations, music, trademarks, brands and so forth, are subject to copyright laws. The use, reproduction and so on are subject to the individual rights of the respective owner of the copyright or administrator of these rights. If you want to use such content, please let us know and we will establish contact with the respective owner/administrator.
For all pictures on our website, we have either secured the necessary licences or used stock photos that are free for commercial use. The following is a list of copyrights and sources by page:
About / Impact-Linked Finance:
Source: Shutterstock / Copyright Natee K Jindakum
Our principles:
Source: iStock / Copyright Forest Woodward (epicurean)
Our team:
Source: Shutterstock / Copyright
Source: FlickR / Copyright: Patrick Bentley/SolarAid
Contact / Imprint:
Source: iStock / Copyright: Claudiad
What we do:
Source: Shutterstock / Copyright: i_am_zews
Our impact:
iStock / Copyright: Bartosz Hadyniak
Source: Fotolia / Copyright: Renate Wefers
SIINC in practice:
Source: Unsplash / Copyright: @zanilic (Zan)
Our initiatives:
Source: iStock / Copyright: Izabela Habur
Source: iStock / Copyright Bartosz Hadyniak
Source: iStock / Copyright: hadynyah
If you have additional questions regarding these picture sources, please contact us at any time.